Scrubs, also called dwarf trees or shrubs, are a great choice for planting in containers. They offer year-round interest, are low-maintenance, and come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes.
But with so many options available, how do you choose the best scrubs for planting in containers? Here are a few things to consider.
Size Matters
When choosing scrubs for planting in containers, size matters. You’ll want to select scrub varieties that are smaller in stature so they don’t become too top-heavy and topple over when they’re fully grown. One rule of thumb is to select scrub varieties that mature to be no more than four feet tall and four feet wide.
If you’re unsure about a particular variety’s ultimate size, ask your nursery professional or do some research online before making your purchase.
Foliage Color and Texture
Scrubs come in a wide range of foliage colors, from the traditional green to shades of yellow, orange, red, and everything in between. And the foliage doesn’t stop there. You can also find varieties with variegated leaves (leaves with more than one color), as well as leaves with different textures, such as shiny or matte.
When selecting scrubs for planting in containers, think about the overall look you’re trying to achieve and choose foliage colors and textures that will help you achieve it.
Drought Tolerance
Another important consideration when choosing scrubs for planting in containers is drought tolerance. Since container plants don’t have access to an extensive root system like plants that are planted directly in the ground do, they’re more susceptible to drought stress.
To help ensure your containerized scrubs stay healthy during periods of extended dry weather, select varieties that are known to be drought tolerant. Once you’ve made your selections, be sure to water your containerized plants on a regular basis – at least once per week during the growing season and every other week during the winter months.